
No cookies, GDPR compliant, minimal analytics

I'm the kind who blocks tracking scripts and third-party cookies, so I want my website to be as simple and transparent as possible. I don't use Google Analytics or include embedded share buttons from any of the social networks, because I don't want anyone reading this to have to give any of their personal data away.

I do, however, want to know if what I write is actually being read; if it is, I'm likely to put more effort in – I'd like an equivalent to YouTube's view count. I use Umami, a "simple, fast, privacy-focused alternative to Google Analytics".

This solution uses no cookies (so there's no need for annoying full-page pop-ups), and anonymises the small amount of data it does collect. I have no idea who you are unless you tell me (which I'd love). If you'd still rather turn it off though, you can do that below.

Analytics is turned on at the moment. .